Isabel Tutaine

Happenings, Events, Resources

You can find me at the events listed on this page. Events include lectures and appearances at local universities, bookstores, and libraries. If you'd like me to come by a specific location, please send me a note. If I can be there, I'll be there.

Heh. Heh. Heh.

Because you've delved deep into my blog, you can now know that my second novel, When Mist and Brine Touch, is scheduled for release this autumn. Stay tuned. More about this novel later. (Except I'll tell you know that PIRATES are involved. Shhh... Don't tell anyone.

Check this out:

I had the honor of being interviewed by Kristen Frangoulis of Arts in Belfast about  my novel, Song of the Wooden Sparrow. Here's the link to the interview:

I come on at around 23:00 minutes. Among many topics, we discussed the process of writing fiction, coming up with ideas and characters, and doing historical research. I hope you enjoy this interview.

Resources for Writers

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Here are some online resources for writers I've found handy:

The Author's Guild:
This organization is a power house of knowledge from professional fiction and nonfiction book writers . It offers three levels of membership, depending on where you are in your writing and publishing career. Level one is for people who haven't yet landed their first publishing contract. Level two is for people who have a publishing contract but whose books have not yet been released. Level three is for writers whose books have been released. They also make room for self-published authors whose book sales have reached a certain amount. Membership comes with free legal guidance from staff attorneys.

Women's Fiction Writer's Organization

An excellent organization that offers members courses about fiction writing craft and the business side of writing. Courses include how to write pitches and query letters. WFWA also hosts several online pitch events each year with reputable agents who are specifically looking for Women's Fiction.

Literature map:

Publishers and agents always want to know which books out there are similar to yours. At this site, you can type in the name of a reasonably well known author and get a list of authors who write similar books.

Jane Friedman's Blog: 

One of the best sources for current information about the publishing industry and the business side of writing.

Absolute Write:

This forum offers information from writers' personal experiences with agents and publishing companies. Although I've found some entries to be outdated, I've  found most of the information at Absolute Write to be reliable.

Writer's Digest:

This site offers listings of new agents who are looking to build their client lists.

Don't send your manuscript out without first checking these sources for shyster agents and publishers:

Writer Beware
Writers Weekly Whispers and Warnings

l'll post more resources as I evaluate them.

Check out Song of the The Wooden Sparrow >>